Hancock Management LLC

Government - GSA Services

Hancock Management LLC (HMLLC) provides Management, Logistics, Information Technology and Engineering analysis and support services. These services support the system wide model of management excellence and performance improvement embodied in national level programs such as the National Partnership for Reinventing Government (NPR) as well as individual agency management plans and objectives.

HMLLC conducts analysis of an agencies acquisition, logistics, program management, information systems, engineering and organizational improvement initiatives and provides plans and technical advice for their implementation.

HMLLC has held a contract with GSA continuously since 1999. In 2020 our four separate schedules were consolidated into the new Professional Services Schedule (PSS):

GSA Schedules streamline the procurement process making it easy for government agencies to procure goods and services quickly while meeting all Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requirements. Most significantly, orders placed against a GSA contract meet the requirement for using full and open competition (see FAR 6.102(d)(3)). Ordering offices need not seek further competition, synopsize the requirement, make a separate determination of fair and reasonable pricing, or consider small business programs. By placing an order against a GSA Schedule contract, the ordering office has concluded that the order represents the best value and results in the lowest overall cost alternative (considering price, special features, administrative costs, etc.) to meet the government's requirement.

85 Conley's Grove Road, Derry, NH 03038  Phone (603) 894-5429 Fax (603) 870-9398  rickhancock@hancockmgmt.com